Plantar foot pain
As is the tradition with many things in life, pain complaints seem to come in threes (or more!). This month many seem to be suffering with foot pain, especially in the bottom surface of the foot, worse in the morning and occasionally improves throughout the day. This is typically labeled as “plantar fasciitis”. Keep in mind that the fascial system is a never-ending connected web so while your pain is speaking the loudest in one area, the odds that it’s stemming from somewhere else in the body are very high. None-the-less, if you’re having foot pain, give this tip a try:
Sit on a chair and place a smaller therapy ball (even a tennis ball will do) at any area of tenderness at the bottom of your foot. Allow the weight of the leg to rest on the ball (do not force, just rest the leg) and allow the foot to melt over the ball. Hold this position for 3-5 mins then move it to another area of tenderness and repeat.