It’s that time of year…

Among the many other goals typically set at the beginning of the year, the gyms have been busier than normal these past two weeks with folks that made resolutions that involve waking up early, staying up late, forgoing their typical hour of “stories” at home behind the remote, etc.  The truth is, the attendance at the gym will be drastically different as soon as January 15th (today!).

I admit that I do make a list of goals I set out to achieve each year but a while back, I decided to approach the transition of a new year to choose a theme for the year rather than a resolution.  Having a theme  is similar to setting a mantra. It serves as a guiding principle when making decisions and reflecting on events.  Last year, I chose “Grace” I set out to focus on moving through my goals, the challenging and most difficult tasks of every day life with more grace and self awareness.  Asking myself, “How would the person I would like to be, do the thing I am about to do?” and doing my best to choose grace over frustration. Don’t get me wrong, I am still working on mastering this craft.  Let’s be honest…this s**t is hard!

Today, I would like to propose a different take on the resolution season and ask you to consider a theme instead. If this resonates with you but you’re still having trouble coming up with a theme, feel free to borrow mine.